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True Colors

From Senegal to Iran and Greece, women of all ages make New York City their catwalk, sporting hair dyed powerful shades of pink, green, blue, purple, turquoise, fuchsia, red, and more. They parade gracefully for themselves, knowing they won’t be the center of attention in a city used to bold outfits and shocking styles.


But this is not just a story about cool hair colors. This project focuses on students, professionals, and working women between sixteen and forty who fracture the belief that dyeing their hairs “crazy” colors is a fashion, exploring how the hues reflect these daring women’s souls and personalities. It’s about their "true colors" — and a portrait of similarity among differences: extraordinary hair colors that are a common language where nationalities, races, religions or ages don’t have a place.


Confidence, expression, security, self-esteem, individuality, rebellion, fun, and boldness are just some of the words that these "cultural standard breakers" choose when synthesizing the why of their hair color.


In a decade where the global struggle for women's rights and the vindication of feminism is stronger than ever, the fact that women – it doesn’t matter if they are teenagers or adults, students or professionals — carry with pride their hair dyed in colors often forbidden or considered “insolent” by a patriarchal society, humbly contributes to the change and the female empowerment this generation demands.

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